Why You May Need Dental Extractions in Chicago

by | May 11, 2013 | Dental Health

Most people do whatever it takes to keep their natural teeth. However, there may be times in life when a tooth needs to be removed for some reason or another. This can be a frightening prospect for many people. Even though you may fear the idea of dental extractions Chicago, they can still be important to perform, especially when you are trying to avoid more serious problems.

Make Room

One of the most common reasons people, especially younger children, require extractions is to make room for other teeth. Whether your child has an adult tooth that can’t break through because a stubborn baby tooth is in the way or you are experiencing overcrowding with your teeth, you may need the assistance of a dentist. Even though you may be tempted to leave things as they are, avoiding making room for new teeth can have detrimental consequences.

Rotting Teeth

If you have a large number of cavities in one tooth or it has experienced rotting from the inside out, you may need dental extractions in Chicago to take care of the problem. These extractions are necessary to avoid developing an infection in your mouth and to improve your dental health so you don’t have to worry about the integrity of the surrounding teeth. Your dentist will discuss this option with you before moving forward.


Some people experience infections on a regular basis due to the health of a particular tooth. If one tooth in your mouth is causing you problems repeatedly, it may be time to consider removing it. Always talk to your dentist about the option of extraction. When you remove an adult tooth via this method, you could end up with gaps in your mouth, which can cause other problems. Your dentist may want to try other resolutions before an extraction to ensure you only lose the tooth if you really have to.

There are many reasons why people must undergo dental extractions in Chicago. Whether your dentist needs to make room for the other teeth in your mouth or you have rotting teeth or other problems, a dental extraction can be a frightening prospect. Make sure you discuss all the options to remedy the problem you are experiencing before you make a final decision. Your dentist should use an extraction as a last result because it will change the way your mouth looks and feels.

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