What to Look for in a Preschool in Fairfax, VA

by | Apr 22, 2013 | Childcare

Your child’s time in preschool is the most important time in their formative years. Their development progresses quickly during this time and it’s imperative that they get the learning and social time that they need. Choosing a good preschool with a curriculum that is geared towards both teaching your child the basic skills they need and towards enhancing their social development will go a long way towards helping them to learn and grow.

When looking into the Preschool Fairfax , VA that you want to enroll your child at, be sure to check out the curriculum when you are meeting with the teacher. If there’s anything you don’t understand the teacher will be able to explain them to you. A well rounded curriculum will include both learning time and play time, as these are essential for your child’s development. Each period of learning should be short so that the child doesn’t lose interest during the lesson, and it should flow smoothly to the next lesson. Lunch, outside time, and nap time should be at appropriate times for the children to allow them time to relax.

Along with making sure there are play and standard lesson times, it’s important to find out what types of play the children will be doing. There should be a variety of toys for the children that will help with learning skills like math and reading, as well as toys that the children can play with together. Play time should be a time to develop their social skills. They will learn to play together with other children, share, take turns, and even teach other children what they know.

Making sure that the curriculum works with the natural way of learning for children is important to their development. Learning how to have friends, how to share, how to do basic math, and how to read are important parts for any child’s development, so it’s important for you to make sure that the curriculum for the school you like in VA meets or exceeds these basic skills. When you look into the preschool curriculum ideas the teacher is going to be using, make sure to ask questions about how the different points will help your child’s development and work to teach them the skills you need.

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