4 Questions to Ask a Custom Cabinet Builder in Maplewood, MN

by | Aug 12, 2024 | Cabinetry

Cabinets make a difference in your kitchen. If you spend a lot of time there for meal preparations or love hanging out in that space, consider upgrading your cabinets. Choose custom options. Here’s what to ask cabinet builders.

What materials do you use?

Before hiring a custom cabinet builder in Maplewood, MN, ask about the materials they often use for their cabinets. Can they work with your choices? Do they have materials they prefer, like solid wood core or solid hardwood? Find out.

What are the finishes?

Will they spray the cabinet with pre-catalyzed lacquer? Many believe that’s an excellent finish. When spraying the finish, will they do that in their workshop or when they install the cabinets? The best answer is to ask the cabinet maker to finish the cabinets in their workshop. That gives the smell a chance to dissipate, so no toxic fumes and chemicals fill your kitchen. Bring that detail up when you talk to acustom cabinet builder in Maplewood, MN.

What will the door style be?

It helps if you review the cabinet maker’s works for previous clients. That gives you a solid gauge of their talent, design skills, craftsmanship, and style. Do you like their work? Does it appeal to you? Highlight the details or elements you want to see in your cabinets. Can they work those elements into the design you want? However, if their work doesn’t appeal to you, you and the cabinet maker might not be a good fit. Look elsewhere. On the other hand, you can also suggest elements you want and see if they can render those details into lovely cabinet designs.

How long will the cabinets take?

Ask for a time frame so that you can manage your schedule. That should also give you time to clear out your kitchen and prepare for the installation. For more tips and advice, talk to our team at Zaxx Kitchen Cabinets. Call today.

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