How to Know If Your Dog Needs to Visit a Cardiologist in Sarasota, FL

by | May 7, 2024 | Veterinarian

Your dog may need to visit a dog cardiologist in Sarasota, FL if it is experiencing symptoms of a heart problem. These could include fatigue, difficulty breathing, collapsing, excessive panting, coughing, or fainting. Another symptom may be a distended abdomen. A vegetarian will examine your dog to determine if these symptoms are related to your pet’s heart and then provide options for treatment.

Another indication that your dog may need to see a dog cardiologist in Sarasota, FL is that they have an abnormal heart sound. If a dog is diagnosed with a heart murmur, gallop, or arrhythmia, a cardiologist can determine what is causing the abnormality and then recommend the proper plan of treatment.

Dogs diagnosed with heart disease, including congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, heart valve diseases, or tumors, may also benefit from a visit to the veterinarian. Veterinarians who specialize in cardiology are committed to providing special care and treatment to dogs diagnosed with a heart problem.

Some dogs have a genetic predisposition to heart problems. If your veterinarian tells you that you have a dog breed with this genetic weakness, you should have your dog screened regularly to ensure that it is not dealing with any undiagnosed heart problems. A dog cardiologist can also help if your dog’s heart problem does not get better with treatment.

Learn more about caring for the heart of your dog, and see how the team at Veterinary Surgery Center of Sarasota specializes in advanced surgical and diagnostic imaging.

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