Sports Injury Treatment in Cincinnati, OH Provides Effective Relief

by | Jan 4, 2024 | Pain Management

Knee pain is one of the most debilitating, interfering with daily life. You may wonder if your favorite activities are possible again. Finding relief is rightfully a priority if you are in this situation.

The good news is that surgery doesn’t need to be your only option. Your body has innate regenerative mechanisms permitting it to restore itself. QC Kinetix uses non-invasive methods that take advantage of these natural healing abilities.

Why Knee Surgery is Not for Everyone

Knee surgery involves using metal or high-grade plastic to replace part or the entire knee. In most cases, surgery occurs because of trauma or severe arthritis. Some of the reasons surgery is not for everyone are:

A 3-6 month recovery time

Persistant pain after surgery

Implants wearing out

Surgery-related risks

Health issues in older adults

What Are Non-Invasive Treatments for Knee Pain?

Medications to address inflammation and pain are typical remedies, with steroid shots used if pills aren’t effective. However, steroids may have long-term effects. Exercise therapy to improve the range of motion under the care of a specialist is essential.

Maintaining a healthy weight reduces stress on your knees. Knee braces can keep your knees more stable.

What is Regenerative Knee Pain Therapy?

Regenerative medicine creates new cells to replace damaged cells using the body’s processes. Regenerative therapies are beneficial for patients living with osteoarthritis. This minimally invasive treatment has a shorter recovery time than surgery. The complication risk is low, too. Sports injury treatment Cincinnati in OH offers what many living with joint pain need.

Visit QC Kinetix (Eastgate). View Testimonials.

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