Questions To Ask Local Roofing Contractors In Toledo OH

by | Dec 6, 2023 | Roofing Contractor

Nothing can destroy your home faster than having a leaking roof. For example, water damage inside the walls can lead to mold issues that can be very expensive to remedy. A regular inspection of your roof is critical because some leaks can go on for a long time before they are noticeable inside the home. Replacing the roof when it is failing is an investment that can save you many headaches later. When deciding between local roofing contractors in Toledo OH residents should ask a few questions.

Ask how many jobs the contractor currently has on the books. This will tell you a bit about how long it will be before they can get to you. You will also want to know how many workers will be assigned to your roof replacement. More workers means a quicker job. Contractors will often have both regular employees and day laborers working on their jobs. It is fine to use day laborers for removing the old roof, but insist that the installation of the new roof be handled by the regular crew.

Be sure that the contractor carries sufficient insurance coverage. Before you sign a contract to have the work done, have their insurance company send you a certificate of insurance. Also ask to see they are licensed and bonded. Do research to see if there have been any past claims and how they were resolved.

Fully understand the materials that will be used including the life span, warranties, and maintenance required. When dealing with local roofing contractors in Toledo OH will find that there are often many options that make sense but the contractor can tell you what types they most often get repair calls for.

Know whether they plan to do a re-roof or replacement. It is not always a bad thing to do a re-roof since this can save you some money, but if the existing roof has a lot of problems it is better to remove it to repair any rotten wood under it. When getting a quote for replacement, you will need to know how much wood replacement is allocated for the amount quoted because you will be charged extra for anything over that amount.

The more you know before the job begins, the less stressful the process will be. Roofing contractors in Toledo OH with experience will be easier to work with than start-up companies but you should still ask all the pertinent questions. For more information visit Integrity Home Exteriors.

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