Do You Know How Customers, Clients or Consumers Really Feel About You?

by | Oct 30, 2023 | Hardware and Software

By now, most people are aware that we can sometimes come across to others in a way we did not mean or may not be aware of. We may have certain habits or mannerisms or use certain gestures that make others think we are arrogant, shy or even angry, when we may not actually be any of those things. The same is true of our words. Certain word choices can communicate a tone or message we may not even be aware of. Social media creates a gold mine of opportunity for businesses and companies since it is a place where clients, consumers and the general public speak openly about their thoughts and feelings towards specific products, businesses and companies. The challenge, however, is that it is difficult to extract concrete data from such an overwhelming mass of information. The data is there, the challenge has been finding a means of processing it.

This is where text sentiment analysis software comes in. Text sentiment analysis software can scan large amounts of data to determine the underlying tone, meaning, message or intent of textual communications. Whereas businesses and companies have previously been dependent on numerical scales or star ratings to determine how they are performing in the eyes of their customers or consumers, text sentiment analysis software is capable of processing actual written feedback to determine the overall sentiment customers and consumers have towards any given business or company.

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