Do You Know the Signs You Need Boiler Repair in Chicago, IL?

by | Oct 25, 2023 | Heating Contractor

You want your boiler to operate safely and efficiently and deliver reliable heating. That’s why it’s crucial you know the signs of a failing boiler. Here are some tell-tale signs that you need boiler repair in Chicago.


Your home’s boiler should never leak. If water is coming from the heating system, the closed-loop system has been compromised. Instead of mopping up the water and ignoring the situation, call a heating specialist for boiler repair ASAP.

Rumbling Noises

If your boiler’s making rumbling or rattling noises, you might think it’s going to explode. You don’t have to worry about the boiler exploding, but you want to get it looked at soon. Boilers shouldn’t make those noises. When the boiler rattles or rumbles, the problem could be something mechanical, like the circulating pump malfunctioning. Have the unit serviced to avoid more problems and to ensure it’s running efficiently.

Delayed Heating

You know how long it takes for your home to heat up after the boiler kicks on. If you notice delayed heating, this is a strong sign something isn’t right. Consider how old your boiler is when this happens. Boilers reach the end of their lifespans between 15 and 20 years. If your boiler’s this old, you might consider installing a new boiler for more efficient heating and fewer repairs. You’ll save money over the long term.

The sooner you get potential boiler problems looked at, the less money you’ll spend on repairs, and you’ll enjoy better heating. To schedule boiler repair in Chicago, contact Heatmasters Heating & Cooling.

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