Here is How to Prepare for Your Hair Transplant Chicago Session

by | Oct 23, 2023 | Skin Care Clinic

A hair transplant in Chicago is a single-day activity. The procedure is done in a few hours, and you can go home. For best results, you need to be adequately prepared before coming in for the transplantation.

The most important thing is to not have a haircut before the surgery. Remember that the hair used will be from other parts of your head. Not cutting this hair ensures there is an adequate supply of what is needed.

Some medications will need to be stopped before the procedure. Anti-inflammatory medication and blood thinners increase the chances of overbleeding, and your doctor may advise you to stop taking them a week or two before the procedure. Supplements, antibiotics, and other medications that may interfere with what will be used during surgery also need to be stopped. Talk to your doctor about the medicines you are currently taking, and he or she will advise you on what to stop and what to keep taking.

Smoking slows down the healing of wounds, and it is against standard procedure to perform invasive procedures on intoxicated patients. You will, therefore, be advised to stop the use of cigarettes, alcohol, or any other drugs at least 24 hours before the procedure.

Massaging your head is good practice because it increases blood supply. Massage the whole head for at least 10 minutes every day for a fortnight before the planned hair transplant in Chicago. This massage feels great, and it will increase your chances of a successful outcome.

It is normal to feel nervous about your hair transplant Chicago session. However, with adequate preparation and a great doctor, there is nothing to worry about. Simply follow the doctor’s instructions, and all will be well. Are you wondering which doctor in Chicago can perform a successful hair transplant on you? Visit and meet the wonderful team at Liposuction And Cosmetic Surgery Institute.

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