What are the Repercussions of Increased Housing in Major Cities?

by | Aug 18, 2023 | General

To rent or own? This question never crosses a college student’s life because of the broke college student mentality. College can be expensive. From the costly tuition fees, accommodation fees are a close second.

The fact that most colleges and universities are located in major cities does not favor the increasing costs. This is because more students are admitted than the housing offered by the universities. This forces students to look for outside accommodation. For those that cannot afford outside housing, dropping out of college sadly becomes a reality.

How Do College Students Fund Their Lifestyle?

A study conducted on college students revealed that most students are in huge debt while pursuing an education. Some students have tackled two or three jobs plus the schoolwork to keep things afloat. Other lucky students have been receiving grants or scholarships from the universities.

According to college station apartments for students, over 50% of college-going students are facing housing insecurity. The college station defines housing insecurity as a lack of permanent residency for students during their study period.

The summer or winter breaks worsen the financial stress because students have to relocate back home and return when the break ends. This creates uncertainty because the houses may be occupied during the break.

Housing insecurity in tertiary learning institutions has always been a problem that needs to be addressed. Addressing this problem requires representatives from various sectors like the government, the housing department, and the universities. For more information, contact Redpoint College Station by visiting their website at https://redpoint-collegestation.com/.

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