Healthy Choices for Your Pets Include a Reliable Veterinarian

by | Jul 18, 2023 | Veterinarian

Many people bring home a new puppy or kitten without thinking through the importance of regular and preventative healthcare. Pets require complete medical care to feel their best, just like humans. Since your pet has different ways of expressing discomfort, you need to keep an eye out for any unusual activity or symptoms. It is a good idea to have the name of a good regular veterinarian and emergency clinic ready for when the need arises.

Preventative Care

Pets need certain preventative healthcare measures to avoid deadly diseases. A good veterinarian in San Marcos, CA will set up a care plan that includes yearly vaccinations, checkups, and preventative medications. Dogs are susceptible to many diseases found in the environment, like parvo, distemper, and heartworms. These can be fatal. Dogs should receive a monthly heartworm pill or topical ointment to protect against this disease. Flea and tick medication is also recommended to keep your pet and home free of parasites. Many of these medications also prevent other types of worms that can infiltrate your dog’s body. The rabies vaccination is usually required by law for dogs and cats alike, because rabies is transmittable and fatal to humans. Cats are susceptible to similar diseases, fleas, and ticks, and should receive appropriate medication, as well. Dental care is another preventative measure that can be taken to avoid excessive damage to teeth and gum disease. It is important to have at least a regular yearly checkup for your pet to ensure the safety of your pet and your family.

Skin Problems and Allergies

You may notice your dog losing fur or simply itching more than usual at times. This is when you should look them over for skin problems. If they are on preventative flea and tick medications, you can begin to look at other possible causes. Your veterinarian will be educated in the different types of skin conditions that commonly affect pets. Tests will be run in some cases to test for certain parasites, and allergies will be given a treatment plan. Discuss your pet’s diet with your veterinarian in San Marcos, CA if allergies are a concern. Animals can react to environmental allergens just like humans.


Many veterinarians in San Marcos, CA have only regular office hours. Check with your veterinarian to find out what should be done in the case of an emergency. If your pet gets sick or injured after office hours, there is usually an emergency number that should be called.

Pets become a part of our family and deserve the very best care. You will learn over time to understand your pet’s body language as a clue to how they are feeling. Make regular checkup appointments and take care to keep up with all medications. Your pet will thank you. To know about animal health care visit SoCal Veterinary Hospital.

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