Signs that You Need Expert Termite Treatment in Newcastle

by | Jul 6, 2023 | Pest Control

A termite infestation can cause you significant expenses in repairing your structure. Since these pests eat wood, it is crucial that you look out for their nest and call for professional termite treatment in Newcastle. As with most pests, these insects come in colonies, and you need to work quickly to arrest their damage.

The 4 signs that you have a termite infestation are a heap of wings, evident damage, mud tubes, and termite droppings. Termites always shed their wings when they arrive at their new location. Therefore, it is easy to know when there is a new colony in your compound by the heap they leave behind. You will also see the mud tubes they build as a bridge between their home and food.

When you notice the above two signs, you can look for evident wood damage. No matter the damage extent, call for expert termite treatment in Newcastle to get rid of the colony. Look out for holes, peeling paint, buckling floors, squeaking boards, and other symptoms of the problem. The pest control specialist will be able to track the colony to its hiding and eliminate it.

Of the 4 signs that you have a termite infestation, termite droppings are usually the least visible. Due to the small size of these pests, you might not easily find their droppings unless you trace the colony’s location. Nevertheless, all the other three are easy to find and can help you arrest the problem before it causes significant damage.

Reach out to Flick Pest Control Newcastle and let the experts eliminate the termite problem.

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