When Is It Necessary to Get Surgical Intervention for Knee Pain

by | Jun 22, 2023 | Pain Management

When you have pain in your knees, you feel that the problem will never end. Yet, you can get the relief you desire when you partner with a knowledgeable physician. They will be able to evaluate the cause of the discomfort and determine when surgical intervention should occur. Please read below for more information.

Exhausted Non-Surgical Treatments
Before contemplating surgical intervention for knee pain: when is it necessary, it is essential to investigate non-surgical options, such as medication, injections, physical therapy, or bracing. These conventional methods usually prove practical in addressing knee pain. Yet, if your ache continues despite these measures, you may be at the juncture to examine knee pain treatment in Greenfield, WI.

Structural Damage within Joints
A common sign of needing knee pain treatment in Greenfield, WI is when you have considerable damage to the cartilage, meniscus, or ligaments. Procedures like arthroscopy or ligament reconstruction can repair or reconstruct these structures, providing pain relief, and restoring stability.

Advanced Progression
In circumstances where the more conservative approaches have failed to decrease the pain you feel, you may require a surgical knee pain treatment in Greenfield, WI. For instance, advanced osteoarthritis may cause you to need surgery that involves replacing damaged joint surfaces with artificial components. Once this gets done, you should have reduced pain and improved joint function.

Please speak with the courteous team at QC Kinetix (Greenfield) to address surgical intervention for knee Pain: when is it necessary.

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