Why Should You Choose a Mercedes-Benz As Your Next Vehicle?

by | Mar 30, 2023 | Car Dealership

If you are considering a Mercedes-Benz as your next vehicle in Philadelphia or any other city, you will want to know some of the features that make up a Mercedes-Benz. Learn more about this brand of vehicle below.

PRE-SAFE Features

One of the main brand features of a Mercedes-Benz you get in Philadelphia or in any other city is safety. Mercedes-Benz puts a lot of time, research, and development into devising the latest safety standards and technology into their vehicles. For instance, many of their vehicles come with their patented “PRE-SAFE” system that can anticipate a collision using a sophisticated sensor network.

When the Mercedes-Benz senses an accident is imminent, the seatbelts will automatically tighten, the headrests will adjust, and the windows will close all within a few seconds. Some of their newest models will even emit pink noise so as to protect your hearing from the crash’s impact.


Another innovative feature you can find on many Mercedes-Benz vehicles in Philadelphia and other areas is ATTENTION ASSIST. One of the major causes of accidents today is driver fatigue where the driver’s reaction time is slowed by the fact that he or she is suffering from exhaustion and fatigue, often leading to the driver nodding off and failing to react quickly enough to dangerous conditions on the road.

The ATTENTION ASSIST system will monitor the driver’s interaction with the controls of the vehicle and detect steering corrections that would suggest the driver is getting drowsy. The vehicle will then trigger an alert to the driver that would suggest stopping the vehicle to get much-needed rest.

Cherry Hill Imports Auto Group has many Mercedes-Benz vehicles available in Philadelphia and the surrounding areas. Learn more about our inventory and the services we provide at https://www.cherryhillimportsautogroup.com/.

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