Should You Choose a Humorist Speaker?

by | Oct 10, 2022 | Sales coaching

Many organizers believe they need a serious speaker for their event. The truth is everyone can use a little humor in their lives. It’s true that laughter is the best medicine and can capture your audience’s attention. Hiring humorist speakers for your next event can provide valuable benefits.

A Strong Opening

You need a strong opening to start your event on the right foot and ensure substantial participation. A humorist speaker is often a practical choice for your keynote presentation or to break up a list of serious speakers. They will create a memorable opening for your event that captures your audience’s attention and keeps them engaged throughout the remaining speeches and activities.

A Much-Needed Break

Even serious industries like healthcare and IT can benefit from a humorist speaker. Using humor in their speech allows them to give the gift of laughter to reduce stress, capture attention, and connect with the audience. You don’t have to keep things boring when dealing with a heavy topic. These speakers use a tasteful approach to humor to break up the monotony of your event.

Encourage Discussion

After listening to a humorist speaker, your audience will likely discuss the presentation among themselves. This element opens the door to networking opportunities that can benefit you and your audience. A touch of humor is the perfect way to get people talking.

If you’re interested in working with a humorist speaker, visit the Doug Dvorak website to learn more.

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