About Car Insurance Settlements Negotiated by a Fort Bragg Law Firm

by | Jun 17, 2022 | Personal Injury

A car accident attorney with a Fort Bragg law firm settles most cases out of court after negotiating with the insurance company or other liable party. This typically is advantageous for clients because waiting for a trial date can take a long time. In addition, juries are unpredictable and could find in favor of the defendant.

The Main Exception

The main exception is when the injuries were particularly severe, and the lawyer expects a jury to award a very large sum. In that situation, a car accident lawyer with a Fort Bragg law firm will probably bring the case to trial.

Legal Minimum Liability

It’s important to realize that the automotive insurer is only liable for paying the maximum of the policy. Vehicle owners who don’t stand to lose assets if they cause an accident often choose the minimum liability insurance required by law. In North Carolina, that’s only $30,000 for physical injuries suffered by one person and $60,000 for all injured persons.

Policy Maximums

If the insurer is offering this amount or only slightly less, there is no reason for a lawyer to get involved unless the at-fault driver has assets that could be targeted in a lawsuit. However, people in that situation generally carry a higher maximum in insurance. The maximum amount of liability auto insurance allowed in this state is $100,000 for physical injury per person and a total of $300,000.

The first step in scheduling a free consultation with the Richardson Firm can be completed at the website.

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