Why You Are Seeing Floating Shapes in Your Field of Vision in Florida

by | May 11, 2022 | Eye Care

While preparing your meal one day, you suddenly see small shapes that appear floating in your field of vision. Don’t panic. You are not hallucinating or imagining these things. The symptoms you are experiencing may be a condition called vitreous floaters also known as eye floaters. Sometimes these floaters appear to look like a variety of shapes like black specks, transparent strings, or flashes.

Common Causes

Eye floaters are typically caused by age-related reasons or changes. The gel-like substance in the back of your eye, the vitreous, begins to shrink as you age causing them to clump together. These shapes you are seeing are shadows that they cast. In situations where flashing is occurring, the vitreous has pulled away from your retina. You may need to seek immediate treatment like laser vitreolysis in Boca Raton to prevent further injury. Floaters can also be a result of eye injury, diabetic retinopathy, eye tumors, detached or torn retina, and others.

Laser Treatment

As mentioned, visiting a center that offers laser vitreolysis in Boca Raton may help reduce the symptoms you are experiencing. In particular, YAG vitreolysis is a type of non-invasive laser treatment procedure that can dramatically reduce these visual disturbances, allowing you to return to your daily routines.

Who You Can Turn to for the Best Care and Treatment

Perhaps you are now searching for a center that offers YAG vitreolysis in Palm Beach Gardens. Contact the professionals at Retinal Eye Care Associates. For several decades, they provide the best care possible and can help you live a higher quality of life. Visit them at retinaleyecare.com to schedule your appointment with the experts in YAG vitreolysis in Palm Beach Gardens today.

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