Visiting Minneapolis: Tricks to Get the Most Out of Your Hotel Stay

by | Mar 4, 2021 | Hotels and Resorts

You’re visiting Minneapolis and want to get the most out of your hotel stay. There are a few tricks you can consider to get everything you want.


If you want to get the most out of your stay at hotels near Minneapolis, MN, then you need to get there as early as possible and leave as late as you can. If you’re able to do these things, you’ll feel like you got your money’s worth.


Another way to get the most out of the hotels near Minneapolis, MN, is if you blab a bit. If you’re celebrating a business achievement, birthday, or anniversary, you need to tell the hotel staff about this. Tell them as soon as you book your room. It may feel weird to do this, but this is the only way hotels will feel obligated to give you some freebies.


It’s important to be friendly with the staff. Tip everyone well and be personable. The more you do this, the more folks will get to know you and want to help. They’ll be willing to tell you things like if a particular dessert is fresh out of the oven or something like that. You’ll be surprised how much better your stay will be if everyone loves you.

Rand Tower Hotel is the kind of place you could fall in love with, and it’s been serving Minneapolis visitors like you for quite some time, so if you want to know more about hotels near Minneapolis, MN, then visit their website or contact them to book your room now.

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