Teeth Whitening: Reasons to Have Your Teeth Whitened at a Dentist’s Office

by | Dec 8, 2020 | Dental Health

Teeth whitening is the most popular cosmetic procedure in the world, and it’s for a reason. Smile is the first thing the individuals notice about you, and it’s no surprise that people want to have the best. Thankfully, teeth whitening provides a perfect way to polish and perfect your smile so that you can face the world with confidence.

How to Whiten Your Teeth?

You can have teeth whitened at your dentist’s office or even at home using various techniques. Most of the teeth whitening in Palm Coast works by bleaching the stains on your teeth. Over-the-counter bleaching agents may help in eliminating mild stains, but they aren’t effective in removing tough stains. When using over-the-counter bleaching agents, you will need to use the right concentration that doesn’t harm your teeth and gums.

Over-the-counter teeth whitening kits work best for individuals with mild staining. Good results are not guaranteed, and it can take up to six months to achieve the desired results. In-office whitening on the hand brings results faster, and it is safer than using over-the-counter kits. A dentist may utilize various techniques, including bleaching agents, heat, light, or a combination of these techniques to speed up the whitening process.

Does Teeth Whitening Treatment Cause Sensitivity?

Some people may experience some sensitivity on their teeth after the whitening treatment. Sensitivity after teeth whitening in Palm Coast is usually temporary, but if it persists, you need to see your dentist. When seeking teeth whitening in Palm Coast, always go for the registered dental professionals.

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