What is a Local SEO Service, and why does your business need it?

by | Dec 2, 2020 | Digital Marketing

You’ve probably heard of SEO by now – it’s a buzz word that will find its way more and more regularly into your inbox and your business meetings as everyone comes to terms with exactly what it is and exactly what it can do for a business. However, as much as you may know about Search Engine Optimisation, and the essential nature of the Google ranking, what do you know about local SEO services?

First of all, what is a local SEO service?

Local SEO has one key objective: providing users with a search result based on their current location. A local SEO services Near Denver CO aims to capture a target of users that are currently within a specific radius of a business location wise. For example, if you searched for a service from your home you would see results prioritised based on their proximity to you. If you searched the same term from somewhere different – perhaps the next town across – you would see a completely different set.

Local SEO services exist primarily because of the spike in smartphone usage, and the demand that that required of local businesses as they struggled to keep up with the trend. As mobile searches continue to increase beyond those of desktop searches – it’s clearer now than ever that mobile SEO shouldn’t be ignored.

By improving and building upon their local SEO, businesses will have the ability to capture a specific market within the local area. Not only will they be in a convenient location close to the business but they are also already searching for the term – meaning that they’re likely to be a warm lead, and everyone knows how much easier it is to convert warm leads into sales than cold ones. Recent research by Fresh Egg has found that a significant percentage of mobile phone Google searches – 40% in fact – had a local intention. That means that mobile searchers are looking to buy locally, and fast.

However, SEO is not easy to learn or easy in practice. It can be beneficial for a business dependent on local business to outsource this service to a company like SEO Global Media, Inc. with the expertise to ensure that they are achieving the best possible results. This is especially effective within a larger town, or when the business has a lot of competitors that will all be vying for the same spot at the top of the Google search.

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