Three Applications For A Sanitary Centrifugal Pump

by | Nov 14, 2019 | Industrial Goods and Services

Centrifugal pumps are devices designed to move liquids. They rely on dynamic energy stored in their motors to accomplish this. While centrifugal pumps are produced to handle the requirements of a variety of industries, including petroleum and wastewater, only a sanitary centrifugal pump is capable of addressing the hygienic concerns of other industries.


Pumps pump fluids. Hand pumps were used to draw water from deep down a well. Centrifugal pumps use kinetic energy to pull fluids through an industrial or residential system. A Fristam sanitary centrifugal pump focuses on moving fluids, but it only does so for companies that demand a hygienic environment. Among the top three industries, these pumps provide motive power for moving fluid are the following:

  1. Food and beverage processing plants: Centrifugal sanitary pumps function optimally when controlling the flow rates of low viscosity (thickness) fluids. Its propeller system is highly suited for the variable-rate pumping of such things as fruit juices and concentrates as well as beer, and wines
  2. Pharmaceutical production: Such devices are superior when transferring such drug-related, low or medium viscosity products as glucose and lactose
  3. Dairy: Centrifugal sanitary pumps are a viable means of transporting a variety of dairy products safely, efficiently, and cost-effectively. Among the most common fluids moved by pumps are buttermilk, chocolate milk and various other types of milk

Sanitary Centrifugal Pump

Centrifugal pumps provide the means through which companies can move fluids through or out of their systems. However, when it comes to hygienic environments, only sanitary centrifugal pumps suffice. Only this type of pump is in accordance with the requirements legislated by government and other agencies. Only a sanitary centrifugal pump is acceptable to efficiently, effectively, and safely be involved in the production of items for the food and beverage processing, pharmaceutical, and sugar refining industries.

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