How a Practitioner of Dermatology in Fairfax County VA Helps Patients With Oily Skin

by | Oct 14, 2019 | General

Males and females each have a combination of male and female hormones responsible for a broad range of effects. In women, one purpose of male hormones is for those substances to be converted to estrogen. Male hormones, technically known as androgens, sometimes are to blame for skin that is oilier than the norm. Oily skin increases the risk of developing acne. Practitioners of Dermatology in Fairfax County VA help patients dealing with chronic pimple outbreaks partially due to oily skin.

Oily Skin and Acne

Excess skin oil clogs pores, which traps dead skin cells and tiny particles of dirt there. It also creates an environment in which the anaerobic bacteria that cause acne thrive because oxygen cannot reach the pores.

Age Considerations

Across the board, skin tends to be most oily during puberty and sometimes for several years after that. The reason is the increase in androgens that develops during this time in both young men and women. Skin becomes significantly less oily with age, and many people wind up with the opposite problem of dry skin by the time they reach middle age.

Conservative Strategies to Manage Oily Skin

Several strategies can help reduce problems with oily skin. One is to stay well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water. When the body is not sufficiently hydrated, it tends to produce more skin oil in an effort to keep the skin lubricated.

A related problem occurs when the person dries out the facial skin in an effort to reduce oil. Using harsh cleansers, astringents and abrasive scrubs can make the skin too dry, signaling the body to produce more skin oil.

Prescription Medication

A practitioner of Dermatology in Fairfax County VA may prescribe topical or oral medication to treat a patient’s acne. A prescription for antibiotics can help because it kills the acne-causing bacteria.

For women, another possibility is hormonal birth control by a doctor at a clinic such as Tamjidi Skin Institute. This is helpful for many individuals battling acne. Estrogen suppresses oil production to a certain extent. In addition, the female body normally produces androgens during ovulation, but this does not happen while on the pill since no ovulation occurs.

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