Should You Go to the Dentist When You Are Sick?

by | Feb 15, 2019 | Dental Health

If you recently came down with a cold or are laid up with a fever or other symptoms of illness, you may be wondering if you should keep your appointment to see dentists in Chicago Illinois. After all, you may hate to give up your spot because it can be difficult to get in to see your favorite dentist or hygienist. While it is certainly good form for you to keep your appointment if possible because the office is depending on you being there at a certain time, there may be some times that cancelling an appointment would be best.

If you are actively sneezing or coughing, you most likely have a virus and are contagious. Because your risk of spreading your virus to others through coughs and sneezes is high, you should consider cancelling. In addition, if you have suddenly developed a migraine or have another source of pain that is not well-controlled, you may want to cancel because it is difficult to receive dental treatments when you are already uncomfortable. Of course, be sure to check with your dental office to find out their policy for treating patients with sicknesses if you are unsure whether you should keep your appointment.

On the other hand, you may still be able to attend your dental appointments with some symptoms. If you are clearly getting over your illness and do not have a fever nor are you actively coughing or sneezing, you can most likely attend. In addition, minor symptoms, such as a small stomachache, a minor headache or a bit of fatigue should not keep you from the chair of Dentists In Chicago Illinois B.

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