Say Goodbye To Sagging Breasts with Breast Lift Surgery in Chicago

by | Feb 28, 2022 | Health Care

A mastopexy or breast lift can take your sagging breasts and make them perkier like they were in your youth. Every woman desires the perfect breast that is in their mind’s eye. Every woman has a different ideal, but majority of those ideals are not saggy or shapeless. Women that have lost significant amounts of weight, have nursed, or mother nature has just caused their breasts to sag can find relief with this surgery. As with all plastic and cosmetic surgery procedures, it is important to find a board certified plastic surgeon.

What You Can Expect During The Surgery

A Breast Lift Surgery in Chicago typically lasts between two and four hours and depending on recommendations from the surgeon can be completed on an outpatient or inpatient basis. Inpatient surgery may be recommended for women with certain health conditions, age, and the expected length of the surgery. Outpatient procedures can be done under local anesthesia with sedation or while under general anesthesia. The process involves removing the excess skin and tissue around the breast and then the nipple is moved to a higher position on the chest. Often in conjunction with a mastopexy, breast implants are inserted to create optimal shape and size.

What You Can Expect During Recovery

Women who choose to undergo Breast Lift Surgery in Chicago will experience temporary swelling, numbness, bruising, and some discomfort. These symptoms usually subside in two to three months or less depending on the woman’s bodies healing characteristics. The incisions however can be red and noticeable to the eye for up to a year. During recovery, it is important that women do little upper body physical activity because of the danger of ripping stitches. Over the next few months after the surgery, swelling will continue to decrease and the actual size and shape of the breasts will become more apparent.

Breast Lift With Implants

Breast implants in the United States undergo strict testing as do all medical devices under the Food and Drug Administration’s protocols. Today there are a variety of implants available in all shapes and sizes. Silicone, saline, and the new “gummy bear” implants can be safe and effective for reshaping and adding size to breasts. Complications with this surgery are relatively uncommon. Some possible complications include infection, scarring and bleeding. The loss of sensation in the nipple or breast is considered extremely rare.

A board certified plastic surgeon is your best ally when seeking the right procedures to give you the breasts you have always desire. No longer do you have to tolerate breasts that are less than your ideal; surgeries are available that include lifts, reconstructions, enhancements and reductions. Schedule a consultation with a plastic surgeon today to learn more about your options to obtain the breasts you have always desired.

If you have lost weight, nursed, or if mother nature and gravity have just had their way with your breasts, Breast Lift Surgery in Chicago can give you the perky breasts of your youth.

Visit Northwestern Specialists In Plastic Surgery, S.C. for more information.

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