Dental Bridges: Essentials to Know

by | Sep 10, 2018 | Dental Health

Dental bridge: definition
A bridge is used to bridge the gap that happens when you end up with a missing tooth or teeth. It is basically made of two or more crowns for the teeth on both sides of the gap. The crowns serve as a way to secure the bridge in place. The bridge, in turn, has false tooth or teeth attached called a pontic, the Healthline says.

Benefits of bridges
Bridges have a number of uses. Dentists use them to restore a person’s smile. If you have trouble eating because of missing teeth, then bridges can help you regain your ability to chew and speak the way you used to. Missing teeth can also affect the shape of your face so using a bridge to fill in the gaps can help you maintain your facial shape. Bridges are also used to distribute the force of your bite and keep remaining teeth from drifting out of place. These are all excellent reasons to think about asking your dentist about getting a tooth bridge in Philadelphia.

Types of bridges
There are three main types you can choose from. Traditional bridges come with an implant or crown for either side of the missing tooth. Cantilever bridges only have a crown for one side of the missing tooth but aren’t suitable for teeth in the back of your mouth since it may put too much force on your other teeth and lead to long-term damage. Maryland bonded bridges use metal or porcelain wings on one side of the missing tooth.

Getting Help
Look for an experienced dentist in your area. Find one with the qualifications and credentials to perform the treatment. And be sure to check reviews online. Reading through customer feedback can help you decide which dental care provider is right for you.

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