5 Things About Wearing Invisalign Braces

by | Apr 5, 2022 | Dental Health

Get Invisalign braces to address problems with your teeth. Before you go through with the treatment, though, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. By the time you’re done with this list, you’ll be a little more prepared for wearing your clear aligners.

Molds May Not Be Necessary

If you’re getting Invisalign braces, you may not need molds. That’s why it’s important that when you make an appointment for Invisalign, you should pick a West Hollywood orthodontist who uses 3D scanning technology. That way, you can skip the molds if your results show that you don’t need them.

There’s Still Some Discomfort

While it feels different from wearing a fixed brace, there’s still a measure of discomfort. However, unlike traditional braces, which are often painful to wear, you’ll only feel a tight sensation with the clear Invisalign braces. That can’t be helped, though, since if they’re loose, they won’t be effective in correcting your dental problems. The good news is, it won’t be painful anymore, so you can eat and talk with greater ease and convenience.

It Won’t Last Long, Though

Don’t worry about the sense of tightness, though. It won’t last long, only half a day at most. Once you get used to it, you’ll be all right. One tip, though: you should change the trays before going to bed. That way, you’ll only sleep through the worst of the tight sensation.

Your Mouth Can Get Dry

You might also feel like you have more saliva than usual. That usually happens in the first few days. The dry mouth sensation shouldn’t last more than a week.

You’ll Need to Commit to It

You’ll need to wear it for twenty to twenty-two hours every day. That means working out a schedule for when you eat and brush your teeth. It’s restrictive at first, but it’ll be worth it when you finally take off the aligners, so hang in there.

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