5 Signs Your Pet Needs to Go to the Vet

by | May 16, 2022 | Veterinarian

Does your pet require emergency care? Make sure you pay attention to the following signs. If you see any of them occur, call your vet, and let them know you’re on the way.

Straining to Pee or Poo

This can indicate a blockage or tumor. It can also be a sign of neurological problems. A bladder stone can also make it difficult for your pet to pee. If you notice that your pet isn’t peeing or pooing as much as it should, that could be a serious condition. Pay a visit to a trusted veterinary hospital in Los Angeles right away.

Weakness or Loss of Balance

If your pet can’t stand, wobbles, or seems to have lost its balance, those symptoms could reflect a problem with the spin, brain, or lungs. If a cat drags a leg, that’s because they have a clot to the arteries in one of their hind limbs. If you see this happening, an immediate trip to the vet is a must.

Fainting or Seizures

These symptoms could mean that your pet has anemia. It could also be the result of internal bleeding. Since fainting could mean that your pet isn’t getting enough oxygen to the brain, go to the vet to find out what’s causing the problem.

Lack of Appetite

If your pet seems to have little to no energy, that’s another cause for concern. Your pet might have ingested a toxin. In some cases, though, low energy in pets who are usually rambunctious or have tons of energy to spare could also be a sign that you’re not spending as much time bonding with your pet. Either way, a visit to the vet will help you get answers.

Excessive Panting

Dogs don’t sweat like humans, so they pant. But if your dog is panting too much excessively while it’s hot outside, that could be an impending heat stroke. Get your pet inside the house to cool down. Angel City Animal Hospital

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