Month: May 2012

Staying Warm This Winter

Many appliances get old at some point in your homeownership. In order to make sure your home stays comfortable each season you have to replace the appliances that you put so much trust into. With Heating in Portland OR, in order to keep your home warm in the winter...

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Selecting Among The Four Types Of Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy is an option for debtors who have been rendered unable to repay their creditors as scheduled. There are four different types of bankruptcy, each of which is outlined in the law. Each type is named according to its chapter in the bankruptcy code of the...

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A Powerful Legal Ally

You are taking a big step when you make the decision to take on the legal system and challenge a DUI citation.  This is one of the most commonly issued citations and many people have simply given up their opportunity to stand up for themselves.  You’ve made...

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